Paul Denning first found out about Formitize on Facebook after he was referred to Formitize by members of The Pest Manager Facebook page.
A Valuable Contribution
Paul says, “Formitize provides a valuable contribution to how our business operates. Formitize is game changing and it has completely streamlined the way our business operates it is also is good value for money.”
Today, Paul’s business is flourishing because he is now using Formitize for all his systems across his company. He gives credit to the Formitize solution for allowing him the time to develop his business. I use paperless forms, job management, CRM – Customer Management, accounting – invoicing, quotes and payments.
Why Formitize?
Before Formitize I had to face challenges in my business such as dealing with time delays and paperwork getting lost. Paul says that Formitize has greatly improved his processes in his business. “My Formitize account was amazingly easy to set up. We were up and running in no time with a lot of great features”.
I have made phone calls to the Support Team who are very responsive. The support and Customer service teams are always very helpful. I give them a “10” for excellent service.
See for yourself how amazing Formitize is and what it can do for your business. Start your Free 30-day Trial Today!
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