Do you find assigning and completing jobs a total nightmare? Does your mobile workforce have to constantly rush to and from your office just to get those jobs done? Is coordination a huge problem for you and your staff?
If jobs and enterprise mobility are regular parts of your business, then you should definitely invest in a paperless system that makes assigning jobs easy for you and your people. You need something that makes workflows easier to manage for everyone across your organization.
Here is a BIG time saver you will love! Formitize – the powerful paperless – introduces the “Convert to Job” function.
How “Convert to Job” Works
Here’s how it works. If you have done a Job before and need to do it again, go to the previously submitted form and select the “Convert to Job” button. This will:
1) Create a New Job automatically; and
2) Pull all of the information across from the previous form and auto-populate the new Job ready for dispatch.
A Huge Time Saver
The Field User therefore does not need to enter all of the information again, but rather, just checks the historic answers and makes any changes where necessary. This is a huge time saver for Inspection Reports, Strata Unit Reviews and any process where detailed reports remain consistent – all with one click! The only elements that will not be transferred to the new Job are photographs and signatures as these will need updating.
The jobs are stored in the management portal, which can be restricted so that only you and a select few can access and update smart forms and jobs. You can manage the jobs, track their progress, assign new jobs to your mobile workforce and use information across jobs to populate mobile forms right from the start. This saves you and your staff time, money and effort as you can simply pick up where you left off or create new jobs using data gathered from previous jobs.
Using electronic forms, you can open, fill out, assign, update, redo and make all sorts of changes in your new or existing jobs. You can even generate paperless reports using the data gathered in your jobs. Gathering and collating information has never been this quick and easy. Now you can do anything to your new or existing jobs and get your mobile workforce in the loop, as well.
Formitize provides the “Convert to Job” feature to make your business easy to manage. Explore the many ways Formitize can change the way you do business. Can we help you get your paperwork formitized?
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